Holding Impressions invisible aligners in Asheville, NC

If you are thinking of getting Impressions invisible aligners, we’re excited for you! You’ve chosen to invest in your oral health and make the radiant smile of your dreams a reality. So what’s next?

Here are six things you should know before getting invisible aligners here in beautiful North Carolina!

1) You’re Getting A Series of Clear, Removable Aligners

You may be wondering how something shaped like a clear, removable retainer can straighten your teeth. Well, it’s because it’s more than one “something”! If you’ve already done some research or have friends who’ve straightened their teeth, you might already know this, but today we’re starting with the basics.

Impressions utilizes a numbered series of transparent aligners to straighten your teeth over 6 to 9 months. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks. You can take the aligners out for a total of 2 hours per day, but you must wear them the other 22 hours for optimal results.

2) You Can See A Preview of Your Results

One amazing aspect of Impressions is that you can actually see what your smile will look like after your initial scan at the ImpressionsHub. The 3D imaging our orthodontist uses provides a virtual peek into your dazzling future.

3) You Still Have Access to An Orthodontist

Impressions is meant to be more convenient than traditional orthodontics for adults. That being said, you still have access to an orthodontist if you ever have any questions or concerns about your aligners.

Sometimes you may need to wear a set of aligners for slightly longer than the usual two weeks, sometimes slightly less. It is a nuanced process and we are here for you every step of the way.

4) No Brackets, No Problems

One of the best things about Impressions is that it is way more convenient than metal braces! Though some discomfort, or perhaps the feeling that your teeth are loose, may occur during treatment, the smooth texture of the invisible aligner is typically preferred over brackets.

With the freedom to take them out when you need to, they are great for dates, interviews or whatever your busy life may throw at you. You’ll never experience the frustration (and embarrassment) of getting food stuck in your braces.

You won’t need to alter your diet or purchase any new dental hygiene tools when you opt for Impressions. That said, dental hygiene is always your best friend! Make sure you brush and floss your teeth after every meal before putting your aligners back in, as trapped food between your tooth and the aligner can lead to decay.

5) Invisible Aligner Care

In addition to caring for your teeth, you must care for your invisible aligners. Even though you’ll only wear each set for about two weeks, this is enough time for them to start to yellow if not properly looked after. You can soak your aligners in denture cleaner or Invisalign cleaner, but don’t use your toothbrush and toothpaste, as this can damage them.

6 ) Unique, Like YOU!

Your series of Impressions aligners is custom-made for you! Our board certified orthodontist will use 3D technology to create your aligners, and will be available to you every step of the way.

If your teeth require what you think might be a lot of correction, don’t automatically rule out Impressions. We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about our at-home orthodontic treatment.

Ready for a free consultation?